This will be a good time to figure out how you’re going to store the body while you’re working on the chassis. Most folks build a body buck based on the following plans posted on Might as well do it while you're waiting. The first plans below are for the older pre-MKIV body style. They work ok for the MKIV but it works better if you use Stan’s revised body buck for the rear portion. Here are pages on building a pre-MKIV body buck.
In the event that either page is removed or lost I’ve created a PDF of the second and more important page. Available HERE.
If you're building a MKIV you'll want to use Stan’s Revised MKIV Body Buck PDF. Thanks to Laser Stan on
Some folks build the buck to hang from the shop ceiling. Some just put it on casters to roll around. Others like me built it on rolling stilts and perch it above the chassis in the shop when they’re not working on the car. People build to varying degrees of sturdiness. My advice is to keep it light. This is temporary, you're gonna want to move it around a lot, and once you’re done with your build you’ll need to get rid of it.
Regardless, one of the first things you're going to do is remove the body so you might as well get something built now.